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  3. Shuto Tanuki Rice Bowl

Shuto Tanuki Rice Bowl

《 材料 》
2 Servings
Rice 2 cups
Deep Fried Batter Droplets one-third cup
Scallions one-third cup
Katsuo (bonito) Shuto 2 tbsp
Sesame Oil 2 tbsp
Sesame Seeds 2 tsp



Mix all the ingredients and you're done!


Mix well to avoid lumps with rice and seasonings. 【What is Tanuki…?】 During the time of the Edo period, the ingredients of tempura noodles were so expensive that they changed the ingredients to Tenkasu (crunchy bits of deep-fried batter left after cooking Tempura). Because of this reason, they called the dish 'Ten-nuki' (without the battered tempura balls) and corrupted it into the name “Tanuki”. However, some people believe that the colour of Tenkasu is reminiscent of racoon dogs, so Tanuki noodles or rice was named after this animal. There are various theories about the name Tanuki noodle or rice. However, up until now the origin of it is still unclear.



鲣鱼酒盗是用盐腌制和长期陈化这些鱼的稀有部分制成的。这些 “日本凤尾鱼 ”利用这种长期陈化过程的优势,风味浓郁,可用作许多菜肴的主要配料或秘制配料。它可以作为简单的点心,放在奶油奶酪上;也可以作为披萨的完美搭配;还可以作为精致的酱料,加入橄榄油或黄油中。